Corfo announces new programs for sustainable development in agriculture
These are two initiatives that will be implemented over a period of five years by the universities of Concepción and Andrés Bello. Both seek to move towards sustainable production by creating new products with agricultural [...]
Technology for the production of a thermal insulation panel with eucalyptus bark wins competition at Wood Week 2023
Developed by UDT and licensed by OTL to the company Aislacor SpA, it won first place in the Innovation and Start-Ups category awarded by CORMA's Madera21. This solution, led by UDT researcher Dr. Cecilia Fuentealba, [...]
UdeC projects related to health, sustainability and functional foods aim at technological scaling-up
Three public funding competitions selected proposals from the Universidad de Concepción, with the aim of supporting the maturation of these technologies and achieving their massification. Three competitions of the Applied Research Sub-Directorate of the National [...]
UdeC leads national list of Fondef IDeA awards as main institution
Of the 18 projects awarded by the Universidad de Concepción, 5 correspond to the UDT, being the university with the highest number of projects awarded. On Monday, the projects selected by the Fund for the [...]
Closing ceremony for the ligno-cellulose microfiber reinforced elastomer project
On Wednesday, March 15, the Closing Ceremony of the Fondef Project ID20I10186: "Development of a high performance elastomeric material, using ligno-cellulose microfibers as a non-conventional reinforcing agent, from the excess fines of the paper process, [...]