
UdeC project seeks to replace single-use plastics with biodegradable packaging made from grape pomace

By |January 29, 2025|Bioeconomy, Biomaterials, Biorefineries|

In collaboration with the Technological Development Unit (UDT) of the Universidad de Concepción, ZEAplast has developed ecological packaging that uses by-products from the wine industry, helping to reduce the environmental impact of plastic. With the [...]

Dr. Cecilia Fuentealba Becerra receives the UdeC Sustainability Award together with the Aislacor team.

By |January 20, 2025|Bioeconomy, Biomaterials, Bioproducts|

Last Thursday was held the eighth version of the “Science with Impact” awards, an instance organized by the Transfer and Licensing Office (OTL) of the Universidad de Concepción, whose objective is to make visible the [...]

Ada Byron Chile 2024 Award: three researchers linked to UdeC among the finalists

By |January 20, 2025|Bioeconomy, Biomaterials, Bioproducts, Biorefineries|

In its second version of these awards, one of the 10 finalists was an academic from the Faculty of Engineering and a researcher from the Technological Development Unit of the University of Chile, together with [...]

UDT UdeC develops innovative antimicrobial sole to prevent the transport of pathogens

By |January 17, 2025|Bioeconomy, Biomaterials, Biorefineries|

Composed of recycled rubber, EVA and copper microparticles, it was successfully tested against bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, demonstrating its capacity to reduce the presence of pathogens. Professionals from the Technological Development [...]

UDT present at the VI Meeting of Corfo Programs and Technological Consortia

By |January 10, 2025|Bioeconomy, Biorefineries|

On January 6, the Technological Development Unit (UDT) participated in the VI #EncuentroPTEC2025 of Corfo, held on its premises, through two Technological Programs: Biochar Chile and Valoriza MáS. The event was attended by the Minister [...]

Against fungi and UV rays: UDT proposes natural solution for wood protection

By |January 2, 2025|Bioeconomy, Bioproducts|

The project from the Unidad de Desarrollo Tecnológico (UDT) at the University of Concepción utilizes pine and eucalyptus bark to obtain phenolic compounds with protective properties, including the potential to repel pests such as termites. [...]

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