Of the 18 projects awarded by the Universidad de Concepción, 5 correspond to the UDT, being the university with the highest number of projects awarded.
On Monday, the projects selected by the Fund for the Promotion of Scientific and Technological Development, Fondef, of the Agency for Research and Development (ANID) in its line IDeA Research and Development were announced.
The list highlights the positioning of the Universidad de Concepción, which together with the U. de Chile obtained 18 projects selected as the main institution. In addition, it ranked second in the total number of projects awarded, adding the 4 initiatives in which the UdeC participates as a partner institution, obtaining a total of 22 of the 137 funded at the national level.
“We are very pleased with these results that maintain our leadership position in this type of competitions. Congratulations to all those who were awarded projects,” said the Vice Rector for Research and Development of the UdeC, Dr. Andrea Rodriguez Tastets. “In this opportunity a third of the awards are for female researchers and it is noteworthy that the team of the Technological Development Unit (UDT) awarded five applications. I would also like to thank the team of the Vice-Rector’s Office in charge of supporting these applications, because they are committed and celebrate with the researchers,” he explained.
Meanwhile, the Director of Development and Innovation UdeC, Dr. Jorge Carpinelli Pavisich, said that “the results in this program are a reflection of a very strong vocation in UdeC to transform the knowledge we generate in scientific and technological developments that contribute to increase the competitiveness of the national economy and to improve the quality of life of Chileans”.
“Along with congratulating all the teams of researchers,” he added, “we remain committed to continue accompanying the execution process of these projects and contribute to their IP protection and technology transfer strategies.”
The titles and directors of the projects in which the UDT is the lead institution are the following:
- “Smart coupling carbon-based materials technologies for integral air purification and wastewater remediation. Innovative action toward a green society (smartmat) (development and integration of porous materials in gas and water purification technologies. Innovative solution for treatment of polluted air and water)”, Dr. Po Shan Poon.
- “Strategy to mitigate the effects of climate change in agriculture based on the development of smart materials for controlled release of fertilizers and water retention,” Dr. Mauricio Flores
- “Aviation fuel from synthetic hydrocarbons derived from waste plastics,” Dr. Cristina Segura
- “Development of a bio-based additive based on cellulose nanofibrils to improve the performance of water-based acrylic paints”, Dr. Alex Berg.
- “Development of a recyclable, biobased and biodegradable material for the manufacture of packaging, based on waste from the agricultural sector”, Juan Cea.
Source: VRID UdeC