UdeC project seeks to replace single-use plastics with biodegradable packaging made from grape pomace UdeC project seeks to replace single-use plastics with biodegradable packaging made from grape pomace UdeC project seeks to replace single-use plastics with biodegradable packaging made from grape pomace By UDTcl|2025-01-31T15:44:20-03:00January 29, 2025|Bioeconomy, Biomaterials, Biorefineries|
Ada Byron Chile 2024 Award: three researchers linked to UdeC among the finalists Ada Byron Chile 2024 Award: three researchers linked to UdeC among the finalists Ada Byron Chile 2024 Award: three researchers linked to UdeC among the finalists By UDTcl|2025-01-31T15:00:51-03:00January 20, 2025|Bioeconomy, Biomaterials, Bioproducts, Biorefineries|
UDT UdeC develops innovative antimicrobial sole to prevent the transport of pathogens UDT UdeC develops innovative antimicrobial sole to prevent the transport of pathogens UDT UdeC develops innovative antimicrobial sole to prevent the transport of pathogens By UDTcl|2025-01-31T14:57:37-03:00January 17, 2025|Bioeconomy, Biomaterials, Biorefineries|
UDT present at the VI Meeting of Corfo Programs and Technological Consortia UDT present at the VI Meeting of Corfo Programs and Technological Consortia UDT present at the VI Meeting of Corfo Programs and Technological Consortia By UDTcl|2025-01-31T14:53:18-03:00January 10, 2025|Bioeconomy, Biorefineries|
Biochar Project Developed by UdeC Researchers Promotes Circular Economy in Ñuble’s Poultry Farming Sector Biochar Project Developed by UdeC Researchers Promotes Circular Economy in Ñuble’s Poultry Farming Sector Biochar Project Developed by UdeC Researchers Promotes Circular Economy in Ñuble’s Poultry Farming Sector By UDTcl|2024-10-16T16:00:52-03:00October 15, 2024|Bioeconomy, Biorefineries|
Bioeconomy and Sustainability: Dr. Danilo Escobar-Avello’s Collaborations in Spain and Portugal Bioeconomy and Sustainability: Dr. Danilo Escobar-Avello’s Collaborations in Spain and Portugal Bioeconomy and Sustainability: Dr. Danilo Escobar-Avello’s Collaborations in Spain and Portugal By UDTcl|2024-10-16T15:56:25-03:00October 14, 2024|Bioeconomy, Bioproducts, Biorefineries|