The Technological Development Unit (UDT) of the Universidad de Concepción (UdeC) invites students from doctoral programs in Chile and abroad, to conduct a research stay at its facilities for a minimum of six months. The call closes on Friday, November 22, 2019. It is expected that those selected can begin their stay no later than March 2020.

UDT offers the opportunity to work in our laboratories and pilot demonstration production plants and process scaling; share in a pleasant, stimulating and demanding environment; engage in multidisciplinary collaboration and receive support from the principal investigators and associates of UDT, students and academicians from the Universidad de Concepción; and be part of national and international networks.

We offer applicants a funding of up to $5,000,000 CLP (approximately USD$ 6,900) that covers the following aspects: tickets to and from Chile, minimum stay of 6 months with a maintenance of up to $500,000 CLP/month and operational expenses inherent to the research.

The evaluation committee is composed of the Director, two Principal researchers and two Heads of Department of UDT. This committee that will develop a ranking and select the candidates according to availability of funds and the following criteria: Thematic relevance with UDT’s task, Quality of the proposal, Feasibility of carrying out the proposed activities within UDT facilities and CV.

Those interested in applying for funding must submit: (i) complete application form with their data, which is in Annex 1, (ii) curriculum, (iii) regular student certificate of the respective doctorate, (iv) letter of recommendation from the tutor professor or director of the doctorate program, indicating that the applicant’s thesis project in approved, and (v) the documents that the applicant deems pertinent. These documents must be submitted to Mónica Paz:

Bases and form