Promoting technology-based entrepreneurships is the main objective of the “Tournament of Biotechnological Entrepreneurships from the Bio Bio Region to the Global Market” carried out by the Universidad del Desarrollo in partnership with the Technological Development Unit (UDT) of UdeC co-funded by Corfo.

The first stage of this Tournament is a call to identify technologies and/or products or services that are capable of advanced development and are not being exploited in Chile or abroad. The application of technologies, open until January 17, 2016, is performed by the development team, sponsored by institutions, companies or natural persons established in Chile. Applications will be reviewed by a Panel of Evaluators, who will deliver the list of those selected no later than January 29.

The second stage aims to identify entrepreneurs with a suitable profile to the selected technologies in order to begin a process of acceleration and market introduction. This call is open to natural and legal persons and will take place between March 1 and 30, 2016 and a maximum of 20 teams will be selected until March 31.

Applications will be conducted online by completing the form available on the website

When technologies and entrepreneurs are defined, a “Matching Event” will be carried out to form working teams and start the acceleration, stage that will develop concepts such as: focus on the problem, connection with the industry and team management, intellectual property, trade aspects, marketing and business model, among others. This stage will take place between April and August, through workshops and with the advice of an expert mentor for each group. Finally, Business Models will be presented to the Expert Panel to select the winner.

The ultimate purpose of the Tournament of Biotechnological Entrepreneurships is to generate interaction between scientific and technological knowledge with entrepreneurship and business practices in order to promote technological innovation and achieve high impact results. It is expected to develop a model of acceleration designed based on local characteristics, which is replicable and scalable.

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