Registration is now open for the V Latin American Congress on Biorefineries, which will take place in Concepción on 7, 8 and 9 January, 2019. This is the most important meeting of the Americas that gathers experts from all over the globe to discuss on the new alternatives for biomass uses to generate higher value-added and differentiated products with low ecological footprints and industrial application possibilities.

Early-bird discounted registration rates, available for regular attendees, members of the organizing institutions, the Scientific Committee and students, end on October 31, 2018,.

The Congress will be held at the Victoria Clubhaus, located in the premises of the German Sports Club in San Pedro de La Paz, south of the Bío Bío river. We will have transportation facilities from the Independence Square in Concepción to Victoria Clubhaus. We also announce the hotels in agreement with the Congress on Biorefineries.

There will be 3 days of keynote lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions and parallel activities that will highlight new processes and products. We invite you to share your knowledge and experiences in this great platform for multidisciplinary dialogue and discussion.


Venue and agreements with hotels