The cooperation agreement between the University of Concepción and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU, Austria was signed on the 13th of February, 2016 in the University of Concepcion at an art gallery that enhouses the works of Ezequiel Plaza, Agustin Abarca and Pedro Luna that forms a part of the collection of the hall “Generation 13”.

A delegation of seven people from BOKU University headed by its Rector Prof. Martin H. Gerzabek met with a team of academics and researchers of the University of Concepcion, headed by Dr. Alex Berg, Executive Director of the Technological Development Unit, to formalize the cooperation agreement between the two institutions.

Dr. Berg expressed that the collaboration would allow to create closer ties with a worldwide leading institution in fields related to sustainability, bio-economy and clean technologies, in order to promote these subjects as an alternative of development for the region.

Meanwhile, Margarita Calderón-Peter, Director of the Center for International Relations at BOKU, emphasized the importance of the collaboration and remarked that it was an important milestone for them to formalize the partnership with the University of Concepción, and specifically UDT, as a way to enhance and complement their research areas in subjects that represent a contribution to energy and environmental sustainability in both continents.

Specifically, the purpose of this agreement is to facilitate and enhance academic cooperation in the areas of training, research, technological development and the exchange of students, professors and staffs between the two institutions. BOKU will work in close collaborations with UDT and the Faculties of Engineering and Pharmacy and the future incorporation of academics from the Faculty of Agriculture is also expected.

Some of the specific actions to promote collaboration are: the exchange of doctoral, master’s and undergraduate students; professors, specialized researchers and technicians; the execution of joint research projects; the organization of training seminars, courses or conferences and the exchange of information and knowledge in areas of mutual interest.