
Biobío scientists succeed in replacing single-use plastics with cellulose on a pilot scale

By |March 20, 2023|Bioproducts, Sin categoría|

A milestone for the region and a boost for the development of recycling was the successful outcome of the project that seeks to replace single-use plastic items with molded cellulose. The initiative, financed by the Biobío [...]

Arcos Dorados and UDT announce the transformation of more than 42 thousand face masks into trays for McDonald’s restaurants

By |January 25, 2023|Environment and Services|

The "Plan Mascarillas" program, developed by Arcos Dorados and the Technological Development Unit of the UdeC, was developed in 15 McDonald's restaurants. The initiative succeeded in recovering 170 kilos of masks in one year, which [...]

Danilo Escobar-Avello, postdoctoral researcher at UDT-CENAMAD, invited as editor of a special issue of a leading scientific journal in the forestry field.

By |January 4, 2023|Bioeconomy, Bioproducts, Biorefineries|

Danilo Escobar-Avello, postdoctoral researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Universidad de Concepción, has been invited to be an editor together with Dr. Jorge Santos from Portugal in the Special Issue of [...]

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