
Three pillars of sustainability: economy, environment and society

By |July 1, 2024|Sin categoría|

The main motivation of Dr. Alex Berg, Executive Director of the Technological Development Unit (UDT) of the University of Concepción (UdeC), is to develop and apply technological solutions to transform raw materials into products. Alex [...]

UdeC and Corfo launch climate change program to transform agricultural waste into biochar

By |May 27, 2024|Bioeconomy, Biomaterials, Bioproducts, Biorefineries|

The project, which has a duration of 5 years and seeks to expand to various regions of the country and Latin America, aims to generate a circular economy by transforming biomass and plastic waste into [...]

Alex Berg: “We must not compete with the economy of the last century, but with the economy of the future”.

By |March 27, 2024|Sin categoría|

In 'Signs of the Future', the director of the UDT highlighted that the region can address the global challenges of carbon neutrality based on the circular economy "The climate change we are experiencing today - [...]

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