UDT proposes sustainable solutions to problems associated with Covid-19
These are the initiatives, in different stages of development, that UDT is investigating to help in this global health crisis: distillation of pomace and discarded wines, development of a new gelling agent based on nanocellulose, development of disposable masks based on natural fibers and reuse or recycling of non-woven PP masks.
Designing antimicrobial materials: closing the door to hospital infections
This global health crisis has caused many people to become seriously ill that have to be hospitalized and connected to artificial respirators, treatments that save lives but are also highly invasive and can lead to hospital infections. At UDT we are developing antimicrobial materials, specially designed for the health sector allowing to avoid bacteria and fungi.
How to take advantage of the heat generated by industries for home heating
This April 1 started the management period of critical episodes that could prohibit the use of firewood on days of environmental emergency. UDT carried out a study that proposes an alternative to conventional heating and seeks to identify sources of residual heat from industrial processes to feed local heating systems and domestic hot water, the so-called district heating.
Collective 3D printing of 5 universities seeks to manufacture 100,000 face shields for hospitals
The Universidad de Talca leads an initiative to manufacture face shields for hospitals in the context of the emergency due to the Covid-19 coronavirus. The Technological Development Unit, UDT, participates with equipment, materials and human resources in this collective 3D printing.
Prevention measures against COVID-19 within UDT
We inform the community that UDT, in addition to the indications of the Health Authority and the Universidad de Concepción, on prevention measures against COVID-19 coronavirus, has decided to minimize its face-to-face activities, favoring remote [...]
Researcher from Brazil is visiting UDT
An academician from the Universidade Federal de Sergipe in Brazil visited UDT with the aim of conducting a joint work between both institutions, seeking to complement the analytical capacities of her Department with the scaling infrastructure of UDT pilot plants in the study of biomass pyrolysis.