The impact of the massive use of face masks has generated an environmental problem, since these personal protection items are made of nonwoven polypropylene, a material composed of multiple tiny fibers that do not degrade and remain in the environment for years. The same situation occurs with other personal protective equipment (PPE), such as helmets and gloves, used by workers, which must be replaced periodically and currently have no recycling alternative in the country.

At UDT we have developed a pilot-scale process for the recycling of face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE), which includes disinfection, milling, agglomeration and pelletization stages. The pelletized material is used in injection processes to manufacture multiple products, according to the interest of the institutions involved. We also implemented a recycling program, initially together with the Fishing Industry Association (ASIPES); then, a new program together with Softys and the Municipality of Concepción, for the recycling of masks from high schools and institutions of the commune. During the last six months, new companies and institutions have joined the program, and the process has been scaled up to a processing capacity of 5 tons per month.