UDT is located in the municipality of Coronel, 25 kilometers from the city of Concepción, Bío-Bío Region, Chile.


From Conception you should take a bus to Lota – Coronel. The main bus stop is located in Tucapel Street, between Los Carrera Avenue and Heras Street, in the center of the city of Concepcion. The route goes through Manuel Rodriguez Avenue and then through Vega Monumental area, to then take the Concepcion – Coronel Highway (Route 160). Get off at 25 km of this route, and enter the Parque Industrial Coronel, on the first street turn to the left and walk 300 meters.


Take the train towards Coronel. Get off at “Los Canelos” station (1.1 km from UDT), then walk north on Manuel Montt towards Industrial Park, turn left at Cerro San Francisco 160 meters. Then turn right into Cordillera Avenue and go 800 meters.


From Conception, you should take direction to San Pedro de la Paz, then continue through the Concepcion – Coronel Highway (Route 160) to km 25, and enter the Parque Industrial Coronel, on the first street turn left and go 300 meters.


Take flight to Concepción in one of the available airlines: Latam, Sky Airlines, Law or Jetsmart. Get off at Carriel Sur airport, take taxi or transfer to Concepción and from there continue towards UDT by bus, biotren or car.