In 2015, representatives from 193 countries of the world met to approve the SDGs. In the instance, 17 measures were proposed that are materialized in 169 goals, which seek to improve the quality of life in a sustainable manner, that is, without sacrificing the resources of future generations. Our country, as a member of the UN, has adhered to this agreement in order to generate alliances between public and proven bodies, universities and civil society to make these goals a reality.
The Universidad de Concepción, on the verge of celebrating its first centenary, offers the CICAT-Biobiósfera community a new learning space in which visitors can discover the Biobío Region with its resources, landmarks, cities, industries and ports. Materializing phenomena and processes such as the water cycle, potabilization, renewable energies, irrigation, sustainability and economic and human resources, and at the same time, learning in entertaining workshops and living experiences related to the SDGs.
Dr. Carlos Saavedra R., Rector of the Universidad de Concepción declared: “Our house of studies fulfilled 99 years in the service of the whole community. Coherent to this, we can not but join the universal call to adopt measures to find solutions and end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Raising awareness about these problems and understanding how we assume these challenges is one of the objectives of this new space”.
In this sense, Dr. Juan Carlos Gacitúa, Director of CICAT stated: “As an interactive center of the Universidad de Concepción, we assume the commitment to bring science and technology closer together through educational innovations that foster curiosity and critical thinking in our children. The inauguration of CICAT Biobiósfera will allow about 6 thousand students to approach sustainable development that will require a profound transformation in our way of thinking and acting”.
Thanks to the support and collaboration of Essbio, Masisa, Red Pacto Global Chile, Association of Teaching and Administrative Staff of UdeC, in addition to the scientific support of the Center of Water Resources for Agriculture and Mining (CRHIAM in Spanish), the Eula Chile Center, Technological Development Unit (UDT) and the Faculties of Environmental Sciences and Agricultural Engineering this project was completed with the expectation of impacting more than 6,000 students from the Biobío and Ñuble Regions.
The General Manager of Essbio, Eduardo Abuauad said: “We are happy to be part of this beautiful project aimed at interactive learning that has as its main purpose on Sustainable Development Goals. Through this instance, children and young people who visit us will have the opportunity to know, on a large scale, the natural and urban water cycle that we have been disseminating until now through our itinerant exhibition Planeta Agua (Water Planet)”.
In 600 m2 of surface, visitors will have the opportunity to know and live experiences that activate reflection on important issues such as eradicate poverty, increase levels of access to education, drinking water; guarantee the end of discrimination to women and girls around the world, reduce the ecological footprint, among others.
Pablo Vela, Operations Manager of MASISA said: “Our products are part of a unique instance where young people can know and share more about our region, as well as creating and playing with the Sustainable Development Goals as a guide; it represents for all of us who are part of MASISA, a great joy and pride”.
CICAT Biobiósfera, located on the third level of the Universidad de Concepción Gallery, in front of the Plaza de la Independencia de Concepción (main square), will receive visitors from Monday to Saturday. Registrations for school delegations are now available through
Source: CICAT UdeC