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The purpose of the IDeA I+D Competition is to financially support the execution of scientific and technological research projects, in all areas of science, that have previous results that support a hypothesis of application of a product, process or service and that, with the development of the research, achieve its validation through a small-scale prototype in a short period of two years.

The previous results delivered should reduce the risk of validation of the hypothesis, which should be verifiable at the proposed scale at the end of the project.

Projects can be submitted to the different areas of FONDEF Generic (Food, Agriculture, Forestry, Education and Social Sciences; Health; Manufacturing, Infrastructure, Mining; Energy, Water, Environment; Fisheries and Aquaculture and ICT) as well as a special call within the framework of lines defined as country and thematic challenges:

  • Adaptation to climate change and natural disasters
  • Aging and the Elderly
  • Technological Revolution
  • Resilient Health
  • Astroengineering