
UDT will execute 3 Fondef IDeA projects in the area of biomaterials

By |September 1, 2020|Bioenergy, Biomaterials, Bioproducts, Biorefineries|

Bioactive materials, elastomers and containers and packaging are the lines of research, in which 3 projects were awarded by UDT within the 2020 Fondef IDeA I+D contest, 2 as the main institution and 1 as an associate.

Head of Bioenergy UDT first woman on the board of AChBIOM

By |September 1, 2020|Bioenergy|

Dr. Cristina Segura, head of the Bioenergy Department of the Technological Development Unit, UDT, of the Universidad de Concepción, is one of the new directors of the Chilean Association of Biomass A.G., AChBIOM, an organization that groups together companies and institutions related to the use, production and management of biomass, mainly as an energy source.

UDT, ASIPES and SEREMIs of Science and the Environment lead pilot for recycling disposable face masks

By |September 1, 2020|Bioenergy, Environment and Services|

Project promoted by the SEREMI of Science and the Environment and executed by UDT seeks to reduce the environmental impact caused by the disposal of these personal protection elements, whose use - given the pandemic - has grown significantly within companies.

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